About Me


I am a professional Web Designer at KO Marketing Co., maker of macrame and letterpress prints, and will dabble in digital photography. 

Design is not solely based on aesthetics, but the creative challenge. That fuels my desire to create more and better.

February of 2020, Hedonist Chocolates selected me to be the featured artist of the month, and designer for the Valentine’s Chocolate collection. Due to my love of owls, the theme was appropriately called, “Owl Always Love You.”

I believe in creativity and art for all, helping others, organization amidst chaos, great design, typography, and admiring the glimmers of beauty in the world around us. & Black coffee. Lots of it.

With a minor in Creative Writing, poetry is another muse. A poem, “Practicing Astrology” was published in the anthology, New York’s Best Emerging Poets. I have also been published over several years in the Canisius literary magazine, the Quadrangle.

Fun Facts:

  • Cycle Instructor at Compass Cycle + Flow

  • Avid Hiker: Completed 15/46 Adirondack High Peaks (so far)!

  • Rochester Native